The Importance of Men & Women's Sexual Health Education

Many sexual health issues affect women and men . Sexual health education and innovations are disrupting the healthcare industry. With this, the importance of their sexual health cannot be stressed enough. Disruptive innovations by entrepreneurs and companies in the healthcare industry are changing how people think about sex. These changes can benefit everyone. The following will show you how being aware of your sexual health is not just vital for you but also for those around you. Menopause in Women Many people believe that menopause is a female disease. This could not be farther from the truth. Men also cope with it when they experience declining testosterone levels and an aging immune system. The health consequences of menopause are also different for men than for women. In women, hormones like estrogen reduce inflammation and promote the repair of tissues. There is less estrogen available to act on cells with age or illness. Cells will also degrade more rapidly...