Effects of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Men and Women

 Most sexually transmitted diseases are curable, and it is vital to get tested. Women need to be especially cautious, as sexually transmitted infections can cause more severe problems than men. It is not a good idea to assume that you have nothing to worry about because you've been in monogamous relationships in the past or because your partner has not had any other partners. The following are some effects of sexually transmitted diseases on men and women.

sexually trasnmitted diseases

Unintended Pregnancies

Sexually transmitted infections substantially increase the risk of pregnancy. This is mainly for women whose reproductive health is already compromised from another condition. For example, cervical cancer and uterine cancer are associated with sexually transmitted diseases. They are late-term pregnancies from sexually transmitted infections. However, the internet has become a powerful tool in terms of resources for sexual health. With this, you can effortlessly search for ways to stay away from STIS online.

Sexual Dysfunction

Women who become pregnant after being infected with a sexually transmitted disease may find that their problems in the bedroom have worsened. There are likely to be hormonal changes caused by the virus or other illnesses in the body. Women can become infertile through such illnesses as chlamydia and gonorrhea. To avoid this, people may go online to search for ways to improve their sexual life. The internet provides information ranging from answers to questions such as is it safe to use a vibrator while pregnant, among other issues affecting your sexual health.

Childbearing Issues

Pregnant women infected with a sexually transmitted disease risk passing it on to their developing baby during pregnancy. This can result in miscarriage or premature newborns. Newborns face similar risks of infection if the mother becomes infected with a herpes infection during delivery. Sexually transmitted diseases can also increase the risk of specific health problems in babies and children, including brain and organ damage.

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Cancer Risk

Many sexually transmitted diseases can increase cancer risk. Most of them cause inflammation or irritation in the reproductive parts of the genitals. This increases the risk of developing cancerous growths. Sexually active women are at a higher risk of developing cervical cancer than they are at risk for other cancers. Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS and genital herpes can cause cancerous growths in the reproductive organs and elsewhere in men. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are also known to cause prostate cancer in men.

Gonorrhea Risks

Sexually active individuals are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases or infections. Sexually transmitted infections can develop anywhere on the body and lead to various symptoms and complications. Some sexually transmitted diseases, including gonorrhea, can lead to infertility in some women. In some cases, a woman can become infertile even if they do not show symptoms of gonorrhea. Women whose immune systems are weakened by other diseases or previous pregnancies with severe complications may be at a higher risk of infection with gonorrhea.

Read: What is the difference between STIs and STDs


There is no cure for HIV/AIDS. However, treatments help AIDS patients live longer and healthier lives. In the past, many people who contracted HIV/AIDS passed away after only a few years. Today, many medications can slow down the progression of HIV to give patients more time to live and manage the disease. In addition to HIV/AIDS, several other sexually transmitted diseases can be fatal. For example, men who fail to seek treatment for chlamydia can inadvertently pass this infection on to their female partners during sex. Fortunately, there are treatments available for chlamydia and most other sexually transmitted diseases.

Some sexually transmitted diseases have no cures, but treatments are available. Even though many sexually transmitted infections are curable, some can cause serious complications. If you suspect that you may have a sexually transmitted disease or know your partner does and you are concerned about spreading it, get tested as soon as possible. Early diagnosis can prevent a lot of stress caused by wondering.


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