4 Critical Steps for Women to Practice Sexual Health Self-Care

 Women's health, in general, is one of the critical topics that has been widely discussed but not exhausted. Sexual health has not been adequately addressed because most people are unwilling to talk about it. Sexual health self-care for women is crucial, and all females should know about the best practices regarding the same. This article will teach some of the best self-care interventions to ensure you are on the safe side.

sexual health care

Have A Scheduled Wellness Appointment

A wellness visit to your doctor is not so different from a regular appointment you have previously attended. The only difference is that when you go for a wellness visit, you will primarily discuss your sexual health and any other related topics. You will have many chances to ask everything regarding your sexual health, how to start a family and the use of contraceptives and birth control. You can even learn one or two things about how to safely and adequately use sex toys, such as clit vibrators.

Besides the questions, you will have some tests done on you. Such may include pregnancy, pap, breast, and pelvic examinations. However, the tests you get depend on your reason for the appointment and medical history.

Consider HIV Tests

Many women fail on this one because they think just because they have one sexual partner, they are not at risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and diseases. If you are sexually active, you should regularly take these tests. Some STIs and STDs do not have symptoms. Therefore, you may live with them in your body for a long time and unknowingly infect your partner.

Besides unprotected oral or vaginal sex, you can contract HIV by sharing sharp objects, such as needles, razors, and syringes. That is why such actions are highly discouraged. The only way to be sure you are not infected with an STI is through regular tests.

Understanding How to Choose Birth Control

Today’s market is flooded with many birth control and contraceptives, considering that many people want to regulate the number of children for different reasons. Nonetheless, your body is different from another woman’s body. Therefore, it is appropriate to know which birth control method is safe for you. Condoms are the best options because they play two roles during intercourse – preventing unintended pregnancy and protecting you from STIs.

Nonetheless, if you feel that is not your option, you can choose from a broader range of contraceptives. Hormonal birth control is a common choice among many women. They include intrauterine devices, patches, shots, and pills. These options are mostly short-term, ranging between three and five years, and you can easily stop when the time comes to get pregnant. You can get your doctor’s guidance if deciding sounds overwhelming.

Discuss Safe Sex with Your Partner

So much goes into 'the talk' about safe sex. After getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases, it is now time to indulge your spouse in discussing safe sex. Since you are married, it would be unfair to make decisions alone and hurriedly. Conversing about such matters will ensure you are on the same page and share similar values.

There are specific matters you should talk about when discussing safe sex. You can talk about:

  • When is the right time to have a child?
  • Which is the best birth control option for both of you?
  • How do you lower STI and unintended pregnancy risks?
  • The number of children you would want

Being a woman is not simple, especially regarding your sexual health. You are responsible for your body. Therefore, you should consider taking the above initiatives to ensure your sexual health is perfect. Talk to your doctor for better guidance and assistance.

Read More:

Importance of Men and Women’s Sexual Health in the 21st Century

Role of Sexual Health Education in Avoiding STIs


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