Here's What a Healthy Sexual Lifestyle Can Do for You

health sex life

Is your sex life beneficial? It turns out that sex is not only pleasurable, it has many health benefits. Having regular sex makes one happier and closer to your partner.

It Eases Stress And Tension

Being close to someone you love can relieve stress and anxiety. Your body will release good feeling hormones by touching or hugging. It's no wonder if you and your partner sleep shortly after pleasurable moments, only to wake up feeling energized and refreshed. Also, sexual arousal activates the brain's pleasure system and boosts self-esteem, leading to a happy, healthier life.

Reduced Pain

A study showed that 60% of people who had sex when having a headache reported migraine relief ranging from moderate to complete relief. Sex releases endorphins and oxytocin, a hormone that helps relieve headaches, menstrual cramps, leg pain, and arthritic pain.

Glowing Skin

Having a healthy sex life can make you look younger. The morning glow after sex is real! The glow comes from stress relief, improved mood, and natural blood flush after arousal.

It Enhances Intimacy

It's no wonder couples feel better after sex. From neurotransmitters released during healthy sex to mood enhancers in semen, there are biochemical reasons for experiencing improved mood. Also, having a nice connection with someone you care for and trust can boost your mood and help you bond better.

Improved Immune System

A  study at Pennsylvania University showed that people who had sex at least once a week had higher levels of immunoglobin A levels in their saliva, an antibody that aids in viral and bacterial immunity.

Lowers Risks of Prostate Cancer

Research shows that frequent ejaculation reduces prostate cancer risks. Men who had sex 21 times a month had a 50% lower chance of prostate cancer than those who ejaculated 4–7 times a month. Scientists speculate the reduced risks are because ejaculation helps reduce prostate secretions linked with risks of prostate cancer.

Counts as Exercise

Sex is a form of exercise. As you enjoy the benefits of exercising, a sexual act can also help you burn some calories, rejuvenate yourself, and bump up your heart rate.

Lowers Blood Pressure

High or low blood pressure can cause serious issues to your health. It affects men's libido and causes erectile dysfunction. Being sexually active reduces blood pressure when stressed. However, if you have hypertension, talk with your doctor if you have any safety concerns.

It Improves Memory

This is one good reason to focus on your sex life as you age. By keeping your sex life energized, you protect your brain function and memory. A study showed that sexually active women performed better in their inability to recall things.

Improved Sleep

An orgasm boosts the body with chemicals and hormones such as prolactin, promoting relaxation and sleep. Both sexes will enjoy a post-sex nap. 

Stronger Pelvic Floor

In the journal, an investigative and clinical Urology study found that sexually active women have stronger pelvic floor muscles than non-active women. A strong pelvic floor can help with bladder control. In addition, sexual activity increases pelvic blood flow, which increases vaginal lubrication, making sex more pleasurable. Whether you use a bullet vibrator or any other adult toy, you will definitely enjoy a great night. 

Improves Heart Health

Just like exercise, a healthy sex life is good for your heart. Research by the American journal of cardiology shows that sexually active men have a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attack or stroke. Also, sex raises the heart rate and balances the estrogen and testosterone levels.

Sex is enjoyable and potentially beneficial, but you need to practice safe sex to enjoy the benefits. Health benefits exceed the pleasures. You will ensure a good night's sleep, stronger pelvic muscles, reduced pain and stress, and an improved immune system.


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