Tips To Protect Your Sexual and Reproductive Health

Take charge of your sexual and reproductive health by listening to your body, being proactive, and not ignoring mild symptoms. Today, unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as having multiple partners and engaging in unprotected sex, have impacted people’s reproductive health. Exercise Regularly Obesity and lack of exercise interfere with hormone production. For instance, excess abdominal fat can alter hormone levels, affecting your sexual drive and energy. It can also cause infertility and hormonal imbalance. In addition, obesity or being underweight can cause pregnancy difficulties. Moderate exercises like walking, swimming, or dancing will help reduce stress, maintain a healthy metabolism, and boost your sexual and reproductive health. Revise Your Diet Food is a major factor in sexual and reproductive health. Take foods rich in omega-3, low carb diets, vegetable antioxidants, and low glycaemic index foods. In addition, take whole grain and fiber-rich foods, fruits, and plant p...